Thursday, November 28, 2019
William Howard Taft and the Progressive Era Essay Example
William Howard Taft and the Progressive Era Paper The Progressive era was an important time in American history because it was the period in which Americans had to look at the issues that arose from the rapidly changing industrial and political environment. The time of the Progressives occurred because Americans were facing a whole new set of problems caused by industrialization, urbanization and immigration. During this period there was rampant poverty in the urban areas, low wages and poor working conditions for immigrants and all other low income peoples. The industrial revolution had created a whirlwind of financial and material resources in the United States that were largely unrestricted by the government. The country, its technology and society had grown at a faster pace than the government itself could keep up with. During this time, many politicians faced the challenge of leading the country into the new century, and while other presidents like Theodore Roosevelt were more well-known and respected for their work during the Progressive period, William Howard Taft had a presidency shaped by the progressive ideals (Modern America). While the Progressive Era was a time when people began to take notice of the poor amongst themselves, it was also a period referred to as the Gilded Age because of the extreme wealth that was found amongst very few families in the United States. This was the age of the Rockefeller’s, of railroad tycoons and businessmen made rich by industrialization, such as tobacco and oil. During this period big businesses had monopolies on the market and political leaders had to deal with how to break up the business monopolies and trusts in a country largely run by the wealthy amongst them. We will write a custom essay sample on William Howard Taft and the Progressive Era specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on William Howard Taft and the Progressive Era specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on William Howard Taft and the Progressive Era specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer William Howard Taft would come onto the scene during a time when this was particularly important and this would help to shape his political career while in office. Also during this period were the beginnings of a great many important movements in Modern America, from the women’s rights movement to the fight against unfair labor practices. A great deal of African-Americans were leaving the south and migrating northward, creating a racially explosive atmosphere in areas where there had been none. All in all, Taft would come into office at a time when the United States was facing a great many changes (Modern America). To understand the man and his presidency, Taft’s beginnings must be recognized. Born in Cincinnati, Ohio on September 15, 1857, Taft was the son of a successful politician who served under President Ulysses S. Grant. He graduated from Yale University in 1878 and went on to law school, was admitted to the bar and held public office. By 1887 Taft realized his dream of being a judge and sat on the Ohio state supreme court. In 1890 Taft went to Washington D. C. at the request of the then president, Benjamin Harrison, to hold a position of solicitor general. More posts from the presidency came and, at the insistence of his wife Helen Herron Taft, he left his bench to hold multiple positions, including that of the first civil governor of the Philippines (Pringle). Thus, his political career had begun. The Progressive era was underway in 1901 when President McKinley was assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt took over the presidency. For Taft this would prove to be an important event as Roosevelt and he were good friends and during Roosevelt’s term, Taft was his political ally. (Pringle). No president had represented the ideals of the Progressive era as much as Roosevelt, who embraced them: however, Roosevelt did not run for a third term and instead insisted that his friend, William Howard Taft, seek the Republican nomination instead. Taft was named as the Republican candidate in 1908, and because he campaigned as a supporter of his predecessor’s Progressive reforms he easily beat the democratic candidate, William Jennings Bryan (U. S. History). William Howard Taft was known as a friendly and good-natured man who had a jovial appearance about him (Modern America). He was a large man, over 300 pounds for his entire adult life, and had a love for the judicial system and a dream of being a judge for most of his life. As President he was unhappy and did not have the political savvy to be successful.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Energy Disruption Causes and Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors Leak of
Energy Disruption Causes and Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors Leak of The Fukushima nuclear disaster that occurred in March, 2011in Japan as the result of the earthquake and tsunami led to a number of the serious problems and energy disruption. The 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit the country, becoming the worst catastrophe since the World War II.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Energy Disruption: Causes and Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors Leak of specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The public reaction on this event was expectedly sharp. While many people suppose that Fukushima could become the second Chernobyl, the scientists say about the existence of possible instruments that could prevent such situations. Today, the scientific researches provide the various technical instruments that could help preventing such disasters. Ness says about an inadequate security in the nuclear sector. As the U.S. National Academy of Engineering indicates the electrification as the most valuable achievement of the XX century, the lack of security services in this area is a very dangerous issue (Ness, 2006, p. 1). The most common instruments of the earthquakes prediction are seismographs that help scientists to see the smallest oscillations, measuring the frequency and amplitude of the waves. Certain kind of weather can be considered as a precondition for earthquake such as flashing lights and fireballs. However, many geologists say about the impossibility of the correlation between weather and earthquake. Modern technologies such as a high precision GPS, laser scanning machines and synthetic aperture radar can measure the oscillations in the ground. The industrial control system provides the computer monitoring of infrastructure. It is a part of supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA). This system tracks the various facilities such as Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) and programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) that help measuring the various conditions and param eters, using the several types of sensors. SCADA is a significant part of the security system. The nuclear power protection is a complicated issue that requires the establishment of the modern infrastructure such as the nuclear regulatory body (â€Å"Basic Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Project†, 2006). It is highly important to provide an adequate supply of the cooling water to the reactor core in order to remove the heat.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In case of Fukushima this technical characteristic was far from the level required. Although the disaster that occurred in Japan is based on the natural catastrophe and could not be prevented as well as the disaster based on the human carelessness or lack of modern technologies, the instruments of prevention should be developed more carefully. The consequences of this disaster led to the spreading of radiation around the world, including the United States, Canada, Russia and Europe. The large cloud of the radioactive elements spread under the Pacific Ocean. The public reaction to the situation demonstrates a perturbation of the world community about the problem of nuclear safety. Many countries provide re-evaluation of the national nuclear programs and reduction of the power plants. In a response of the disaster, the leader of German engineering Siemens emphasized the importance of reduction of building of the nuclear power plants around the world. The consequences of the disaster in Japan led to the mass protests against a production of the nuclear energy in several countries such as Germany and France. It was expected that the stock markets demonstrated the sharp reaction and the Japanese energy companies faced with the reduction of the bonds’ value. International Atomic Energy Agency and the World Meteorological Organization expressed the concern about the disaster and offer to provide more strict methods of prevention. Fukushima as the one of the largest nuclear power stations in the world has the modern technologies. However, there are some issues in our life that cannot be predicted. Nevertheless, the nuclear security and safety is one of the most important questions in the society that have to be considered as the most valuable area for the financial invitations. The use of modern technical instruments can help preventing a number of problems. Therefore, this question should not be neglected by the world governments. Reference List Basic Infrastructure for a Nuclear Power Project. (2006). International Atomic Energy Agency. Retrieved from We will write a custom essay sample on Energy Disruption: Causes and Effects of the Fukushima Nuclear Reactors Leak of specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Ness, L. (2006). Security Utility and Energy Infrastructures (1st Ed.). US: Wiley and Sons Publication.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Identities and globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Identities and globalization - Essay Example elop a global identity that gives them a sense of belonging to a worldwide culture and includes an awareness of the events, practices, styles, and information that are part of the global culture†(Arnett, 2002, p. 777). In this quote, the author states that most people in the world, especially young people are the ones who are facing the challenge where they have to adopt both the global and local identity. This challenge sometimes can lead to a â€Å"hybrid identity†which is described as a mixture of both the local and global culture (Arnett, 2002, p. 778). However, the author does not provide an explanation and examples of the psychological impact of this bicultural identity in young peoples daily lives. Even though he covered this aspect, on the identity confusion section about how people can feel excluded from a society or alienated, he did not provide us with a strong example about the psychological impact of the bicultural identity. By mentioning the psychological impact of the bicultural identity in his essay, it will make readers engage and care more about this topic. One of the prominent issues described by the author in the article is on bicultural identities. The form of identity is noted as affecting young people from different parts of the world especially those from non-western countries. The author notes that in this new form of identity, people have a part of their identity rooted in their local culture while the other part is influenced by global culture (Arnett, 2002). The argument on this identity is based on increased global consciousness that is taking place in many children and adolescents. First, the author notes that children have started growing developing conscious based on the things that they observe in the world. As a result, the world things continue to influence children more in comparison to the things that take place in a local environment. As the author indicates, â€Å"Young people develop a global identity that gives them a
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discussion 13 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Discussion 13 - Essay Example Inheritance of variation (that made the previous generation successful) by the offspring further strengthen their chances of successful survival. According to Darwin, these modifications multiply in the inhabitants, thereby changing the entire population and such change is the evolution ("Charles Darwin & Evolution"). Considering the fact that more progeny is an indication of better genetic pool, however, it does not hold true in the case of human population. Human population far outnumber any other species of the planet. As resources are limited on the planet to meet the demands of the escalating population, a check mechanism has to be implemented in the form of less progeny. This will aid in better chances of survival of humans together with other plant and animal species on the planet and prevent the occurrence of other natural disasters in the form of global warming, landscapes, earthquakes, pollution of land, air, water and episodes of various dreaded diseases such as swine flu. Hence augmentation in human population is not
Monday, November 18, 2019
Assingment 3 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Assingment 3 - Assignment Example As disclosed, they found that effective leaders have attributes, to wit: â€Å"(1) self-confident, well-integrated, and emotionally stable; (2) warm, sensitive and sympathetic toward other people and give practical, helpful suggestions; (3) intelligent in relation to the group members; (4) identify with the goals and values of the groups they lead; (5) want to take leadership responsibility and are competent in handling new situations; (6) can be relied on to perform leadership functions consistently; and (7) in elected or public positions, usually possess more enthusiasm and capacity for expression than other types of leaders†(Ross and Hendry 59-60). According to Martires and Fule, if a consistent relationship between leadership effectiveness and personality traits exist, as manifested in the traits approach to leadership, it would be easy to pinpoint people who could be effective leaders by testing whether these people possess such traits. However, no consistent pattern of relationship between traits and leadership ability were evidently found. In many instances, people who possess many of the traits do not become effective leaders while those who possess only a few can also be effective. As a result, the trait approach to leadership has lost much of its appeal. The behavioral approach was noted to endeavor finding answers to the question of what behaviors, actions, and skills make effective leadership possible. Compared to the trait approach, the behavioral approach has great practical usefulness since behavior, actions, and skills can be modified and learned. In this regard, the basic skills identified to be a must to be equi pped in effective leaders include: building credibility, communication, listening, assertiveness, conducting meetings, effective stress management, problem solving and improving creativity (Hughes, Ginnett and Curphy). The effects of personality and intelligence on the effectiveness of a leader have
Friday, November 15, 2019
Logical and physical network design
Logical and physical network design Introduction In the world today, information communication and technology has become one of the most relied upon pillars for economic development. It is through technology that the entire universe has been reduced to a small village whereby persons far away from each other can interact freely on real-time basis. Hence, every business enterprise and institution for instance is gearing towards modernizing its operations through Information technology. As a result, one of the most vital resources to ensure Information technology revolution is and has been using computers. They have replaced and /or improved the working environment through recording, processing, and analyzing data by utilizing application software. It is that this point that the pre-requisite IT infrastructure comes in handy. Thus, internet facility is required to interlink various departments within an organization so as to improve efficiency. However, to put in place the network infrastructure, a number of requirements and constraints have to be considered and includes the type of organization, desired network -its cost and reliance, and financial costs among others. The networking topology consists of two parts; physical and logical design networks, which are utilized further in various forms; bus, mesh, star, and ring network topologies (Raza, 2002). Each one of these has got its pros and cons. Hence, it is imperative while embarking on a mission to set up a network infrastructure, research extensively in order to determine the most feasible type. This has been covered to detail in the literature ahead to distinguish logical and physical design networks as well as related terminologies through a library based research. Literature Review Topology The network topology refers to the layout of a network installation (David, Skandier, 2005). The layout consists of two parts. First one is the physical network design which refers to the actual arrangement of all the devices that that are connected to the particular network. This is inclusive of the network location and cables installed. Second is the logical network design which refers to the way in which the network appears in the devices within the network or how data is transmitted within the network (Siamwalla, Sharma, Keshav, 2000). These two types of layouts are consists of four different kinds of network topologies in network infrastructure is set up. These include, the bus, mesh, ring, and star topologies (Raza, 2002). Types of network topologies A mesh topology represents a Wide Area Network whereby there are quite a number of paths interconnecting various sites. In this topology, a router is used in identifying and determining which path is best for data transmission. For a simple network, for instance two to three sites, it is convenient to create but for quite a number of sites it becomes expensive. Reason being that every network site and subsequent additions of devices needs an independent cable connection. Besides, the amount of work involved while configuring network is cumbersome (Programming Languages: Logical and Physical Network Design, 2004); However, the biggest advantage with mesh network is that, in case one of the connections fails, it does not interfere with the rest. Mesh topology represents a physical design layout. The bus topology in most cases is either a physical and/or logical design network. It generally utilizes Ethernet cables to connect and it is considered the simplest among the others. A backbone -common cable- is connects all the devices in a given network and any other device that is being added is connected to the same cable. It is therefore economical to implement as only one cable is used. The backbone connection transmits data through only this particular cable and interruption leads to disconnection of the whole network. The ring topology is a physical design layout whereby each device in the network is connected to its two other neighboring devices. However, in case a new device is being added, the whole connection is disrupted and this involves a lot of work to configure the whole system. Nevertheless such conflicts in transmitting the data can be mitigated by applying token ring technology but this m, method is rarely used in setting up a network (Designing a Network Topology, 2004). The star topology is usually either a physical and/or logical design layout whereby network devices have got one central location referred to as a hub or switch. This topology is the most advantageous because if one of the devices fails, the others are not affected. Configuring the network is simple as any one cable can easily be connected to the hub or switch. It is usually applied in Ethernet networks. Furthermore, all of these network topologies can be used in one single network to form a hybrid network topology (Thomas, 2008). Differences between logical and physical network designs Physical design layout outlines the pieces of the logical design network which are in a given network architecture. Besides, it refers to the arrangement of computers and other physical components. Its components include Fiber, ISDN and Ethernet (Johnson, 2002). The logical design network assumes a particular piece of a conceptual design in a network and assigns it a logical role in a within that framework. Its components consist of IP structures of the network such as Class A, B, or C address scheme (Johnson, 2002). Factors to consider when designing a network For a good network design the strategy and planning components are very vital. The overall project needs to be implemented in an orderly manner in order to achieve the goals set. Policies should be put in place when designing a network (Network Diagrams, 2010). They stipulate to detail how the network resources are to be used by the users concerned. Another scenario that policies become a necessity is at a point when network security becomes paramount -for instance firewall technology (Designing a Network Topology, 2004). Technical users responsible for managing the network require adequate training on tasks to be undertaken in the network management. When designing the network, the cost of the budget should be a pre-requisite consideration as well as the benefits to be realized. Feasibility study should be carried on both costs and benefits (Network management reference architecture, 2010). To design a logical network, there are two options; one can either design/install a new network from the scratch or upgrade an already existing logical network. However, a number of factors are supposed to be considered before commencing the design work: What services will you be providing to the clients/users? What possible network traffic patterns that crop up as a result from your particular plan? What are the expected bottle necks and how to avoid? Another important consideration is to determine whether your internet connection is going to be for internal network users only or if outside users domain will be given access to the network resources (Network Tutorials, 2010). In addition, scalability and extensibility of the network design are crucial considerations. Hence factors such as: Economic constraints -in most cases one has to compromise the capability of Wide Area Network links, the switching routers capabilities, the kind of interfaces used, and at some instances the of redundancy achieved; Labor-in either of the network design, the degree of effort and the level of knowledge required to admit a new client to the new network and/or expand the capacity of the network infrastructure are of great concern (Craft, 2006); The processor speed -increases on regular basis and therefore makes the internet traffic levels to rapidly increase. Computational limitations that most often engulf any particular network design are correlated to processing of route updates, security filtering, encryption, translation of address and packet forwarding; Space consists of the value of air-conditioned points of references (POPs) an/or the collocation facilities (Scots Ogletree, 2003); Time-to-market is another issue to be considered as while designing a network, clients might be have looked for alternatives by the time it becomes operational (Mueller Ogletree, 2003). Conclusion Designing a network calls for meeting the necessary requirements and constraints and putting into consideration other external factors for instance, cost of setting up the network, scalability and extensibility, and the future prospects of the particular network design. Nevertheless, the choice of the network design depends on its reliability and the resources are available for its adoption. REFERENCES: Craft, M. (2006). How to Cheat at Designing a Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Infrastructure. Syngress. David, G., Skandier, T. (2005). Network+ study guide, fourth edition. Sybex, Inc. Designing a Network Topology. (2004) .Cisco Press Priscilla Oppenheimer. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Network Tutorials. (2010). Retrieved February 14, 2010, from Network management reference architecture. Retrieved February 14, 2010, from Mueller, S., Ogletree, T. (2003). Network design strategies; Planning and design components. Upgrading and repairing networks. (4th ed.) .Que. Retrieved February 14, 2010, from Megaessays: Network topology. Retrieved February 14, 2010, from, Network Diagrams. Retrieved February 14, 2010, from, Johnson, J. (2002). Ask the Networking Expert: Questions Answers. Retrieved Feb 14, 2010, From,289625,sid7_gci846980, 00.html Network Topologies, Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Programming Languages: Logical and Physical Network Design. (2004). Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Raza, K. (2002). Cisco Network Topology and Design. Cisco Press. Retrieved February 15, 2010, from Siamwalla, R., Sharma , R., S. Keshav (2000). Discovering Internet Topology. Cornell Network Research Group Department of Computer Science Cornell University. NY:Ithaca. Scott, M., Ogletree, W. T. (2003). Upgrading and repairing networks. (4th ed.).Que. Part of the upgrading and repairing series. Thomas, S. (2008).Network design checklist: Six factors to consider when designing LANs. Retrieved February 14, 2010 from,295582,sid100_gci1317697,00.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Education Philosophy Statement Essay -- Educating School Essays
Education Philosophy Statement Every person has his or her idea of what education should be. One wants to be educated or go to universities so he or she could have a higher degree. Some other person wants to get education just to fulfill one's self. Many people get college education thinking that they can make more money. Education is not about money; it is a lifetime process that enables one to satisfy one's inner self. It makes a person feel good for who they are inside. Jon Spayde's article "Learning in the Key of Life" made me think about the different aspects of education, such as college education or street education. Which one is a more necessity for survival in today's world. The question that arises in my mind is does education help us during everyday life. Maybe education does not provide the necessity tools to survive in the real world. We are not wasting our time in the institutions; however, the real world is a bigger school than any other schools that we attend. Unfortunately, 21st century's definition of school is technology for example computers, just like Jon Spayde states, "For our policy heads, education equals something called training for competitiveness, which often boils down to the mantra of "more computers, more computers." (60) Education is not based on technology and computers that our society is after today. Computers do not make a person happy or fulfill one's life. Canadian historian and critic John Ralston Saul claims, "Technical training is training in what is sure to be obsolete soon anyway; it's self-defeating, and it won't get you through the next 60 years of your life." (61) Education is a lifetime process, and one that will never complete in the sixteen years of normal schooling. .. ... daily than any other subject. There is nothing more truly than John Spayde's words that state "The whole world's a classroom." It is true that in today's society we do need computers, however, they are not the main ingredient to survive in real life. There are many people who are very well educated, but can not interact socially. There are many other ways to become educated besides in the classrooms. The school does not prepare us for the real world. Learning does take place around the span of a lifetime. I believe humanity courses will enlighten one's ability to understand what a true happiness really mean and make one's life better. Happiness should not be about unnecessary pleasure. Work Cited Spayde Jon. "Learning in the Key of LIfe." The Presence of Others. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: Bedford, / st. Martin's, 2000. 58-64.
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